Fiber@Home is providing collocation service to the ANS operators in pops owned by it and also in other places shared with Mobile network operators. ANS operators can co-locate their aggregation/pre-aggregation router and distribution switch at our different. Fiber@Home will facilitate necessary power, rack space, grounding and 24x7 accesses for the service.

Fiber@Home offers colocation services for ANS operators, providing them with access to our COs (Central Offices). This enables ANS operators to conveniently host their aggregation or pre-aggregation devices at our diverse locations, ensuring optimal network reach and service reliability.

Our colocation service is tailored for ANS operators seeking dependable, scalable, and well-supported hosting environments that allow them to maintain and grow their network infrastructures with confidence. Fiber@Home’s colocation solutions not only enable seamless connectivity but also empower ANS operators to optimize their network infrastructure with greater flexibility and reliability across Bangladesh.